Deep Learning2019. 12. 11. 19:16

 김성훈 교수님의 [모두를 위한 딥러닝] 강의 정리


 - 참고자료 : Andrew Ng's ML class


  2) (note)

1.  Logistic regression (= binary classfication)


2. Multinomial classification


3. Softmax classification

 - softmax : ① sigmoid와 마찬가지로 0과 1사이의 값으로 변환, ② 변환된 결과에 대한 합계가 1이 되도록 해줌(≒ 확률)
                (tensorflow의 softmax 함수 이용)


 - one-hot encoding : softmax로 구한 값 중에서 가장 큰 값을 1로, 나머지를 0으로 만듦
                             (tensorflow의 argmax 함수 이용)


4. Cost function (=cross-entropy)

 - S(Y) = sotmax가 예측한 값

 - L = 실제 Y의 값

 - Cost function = (sotmax가 예측한 값)과 (실제 Y의 값)의 차이를 계산 = Distance(S, L)


 - Loss(=cost=error) = D(S,L)의 평균


 - Gradient descent 알고리즘 = 미분을 통해 최소비용 찾기


5. Logistic cost VS cross entropy

 - Logistic regression의 cost 함수 = Multinomial classification의 cross-entropy cost 함수


6. TensorFlow로 Softmax Classification의 구현

 - hypothesis = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(X,W)+b)

 - cost = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(Y*tf.log(hypothesis),axis=1))

 - optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1).minimize(cost)


 6-1. code 구현

import tensorflow as tf
tf.set_random_seed(777) # for reproducibility
x_data = [[1, 2, 1, 1],
[2, 1, 3, 2],
[3, 1, 3, 4],
[4, 1, 5, 5],
[1, 7, 5, 5],
[1, 2, 5, 6],
[1, 6, 6, 6],
[1, 7, 7, 7]]
y_data = [[0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 0, 1],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[1, 0, 0]]
X = tf.placeholder("float", [None, 4])     # x_data와 같은 크기의 열 가짐. 행 크기는 모름.
Y = tf.placeholder("float", [None, 3])
nb_classes = 3
W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([4, nb_classes]), name='weight')
b = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([nb_classes]), name='bias')
# tf.nn.softmax computes softmax activations
# softmax = exp(logits) / reduce_sum(exp(logits), dim)
hypothesis = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(X, W) + b)
# Cross entropy cost/loss
cost = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(Y * tf.log(hypothesis), axis=1))
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1).minimize(cost)
# Launch graph
with tf.Session() as sess:
for step in range(2001):
_, cost_val =[optimizer, cost], feed_dict={X: x_data, Y: y_data})
if step % 200 == 0:
print(step, cost_val)
# Testing & One-hot encoding
a =, feed_dict={X: [[1, 11, 7, 9]]})
print(a,, 1)))
b =, feed_dict={X: [[1, 3, 4, 3]]})
print(b,, 1)))
c =, feed_dict={X: [[1, 1, 0, 1]]})
print(c,, 1)))
all =, feed_dict={X: [[1, 11, 7, 9], [1, 3, 4, 3], [1, 1, 0, 1]]})
print(all,, 1)))


 6-2. 결과값

(0, 6.926112)
(200, 0.60050154)
(400, 0.47295803)
(600, 0.37342972)
(800, 0.2801836)
(1000, 0.23280506)
(1200, 0.21065345)
(1400, 0.19229901)
(1600, 0.17682335)
(1800, 0.16359548)
(2000, 0.15216163)
a = (array([[1.3890485e-03, 9.9860197e-01, 9.0612575e-06]], dtype=float32), array([1]))
b = (array([[0.9311919 , 0.06290215, 0.00590591]], dtype=float32), array([0]))
c = (array([[1.2732816e-08, 3.3411387e-04, 9.9966586e-01]], dtype=float32), array([2]))
all = (array([[1.3890457e-03, 9.9860197e-01, 9.0612402e-06],
       [9.3119192e-01, 6.2902153e-02, 5.9059057e-03],
       [1.2732816e-08, 3.3411387e-04, 9.9966586e-01]], dtype=float32), array([1, 0, 2]))


7. TensorFlow로 Fancy Softmax Classifier 구현 (cross_entropy, one_hot, reshape)

 7-1. softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits

 - logits(=score) = tf.matmul(X, W) + b

 - hypothesis = tf.nn.softmax(logits)


 7-2. tensorflow 구현 (tensorflow 내장함수 이용)

# Cross entropy cost/loss

   cost = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(Y*tf.log(hypothesis), axis=1)

# Cross entropy cost/loss

   cost_i = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=Y_one_hot)

   cost = tf.reduce_mean(cost_i)


 7-3. 예제 : 동물 분류(Animal classification)

 - tf.one_hot : one_hot을 사용하게 되면 하나의 차원의 수를 높여준다. 예를들어 [0, 3]의 행렬을 [[1000000], [0001000]]의 식으로 만들어 주게 된다.

 - tf.reshape : 늘어난 차원의 수를 다시 줄이기 위해, reshape 함수를 이용한다.


 - :

불러오는 중입니다...


 - 전체 소스코드

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
tf.set_random_seed(777) # for reproducibility
# Predicting animal type based on various features
xy = np.loadtxt('data-04-zoo.csv', delimiter=',', dtype=np.float32)
x_data = xy[:, 0:-1]
y_data = xy[:, [-1]]
print(x_data.shape, y_data.shape)
(101, 16) (101, 1)
nb_classes = 7 # 0 ~ 6
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 16]) # x_data(동물 형질 항목)의 개수
Y = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, 1]) # 0 ~ 6
Y_one_hot = tf.one_hot(Y, nb_classes) # one hot, 차원의 수가 1차원 증가함
print("one_hot:", Y_one_hot)
Y_one_hot = tf.reshape(Y_one_hot, [-1, nb_classes])
print("reshape one_hot:", Y_one_hot)
one_hot: Tensor("one_hot:0", shape=(?, 1, 7), dtype=float32)
reshape one_hot: Tensor("Reshape:0", shape=(?, 7), dtype=float32)
W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([16, nb_classes]), name='weight')
b = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([nb_classes]), name='bias')
# tf.nn.softmax computes softmax activations
# softmax = exp(logits) / reduce_sum(exp(logits), dim)
logits = tf.matmul(X, W) + b
hypothesis = tf.nn.softmax(logits)
# Cross entropy cost/loss
cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=logits,
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1).minimize(cost)
prediction = tf.argmax(hypothesis, 1)  # probability -> 0~6
correct_prediction = tf.equal(prediction, tf.argmax(Y_one_hot, 1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
# Launch graph (학습)
with tf.Session() as sess:
for step in range(2001):
_, cost_val, acc_val =[optimizer, cost, accuracy], feed_dict={X: x_data, Y: y_data})
if step % 100 == 0:
print("Step: {:5}\tCost: {:.3f}\tAcc: {:.2%}".format(step, cost_val, acc_val))
# Let's see if we can predict
pred =, feed_dict={X: x_data})
# y_data: (N,1) = flatten => (N, ) matches pred.shape
for p, y in zip(pred, y_data.flatten()):
print("[{}] Prediction: {} True Y: {}".format(p == int(y), p, int(y)))


 - 결과값

Step:     0 Cost: 5.480 Acc: 37.62%
Step:   100 Cost: 0.806 Acc: 79.21%
Step:   200 Cost: 0.488 Acc: 88.12%
Step:   300 Cost: 0.350 Acc: 90.10%
Step:   400 Cost: 0.272 Acc: 94.06%
Step:   500 Cost: 0.222 Acc: 95.05%
Step:   600 Cost: 0.187 Acc: 97.03%
Step:   700 Cost: 0.161 Acc: 97.03%
Step:   800 Cost: 0.141 Acc: 97.03%
Step:   900 Cost: 0.124 Acc: 97.03%
Step:  1000 Cost: 0.111 Acc: 97.03%
Step:  1100 Cost: 0.101 Acc: 99.01%
Step:  1200 Cost: 0.092 Acc: 100.00%
Step:  1300 Cost: 0.084 Acc: 100.00%
Step:  1400 Cost: 0.078 Acc: 100.00%
Step:  1500 Cost: 0.072 Acc: 100.00%
Step:  1600 Cost: 0.068 Acc: 100.00%
Step:  1700 Cost: 0.064 Acc: 100.00%
Step:  1800 Cost: 0.060 Acc: 100.00%
Step:  1900 Cost: 0.057 Acc: 100.00%
Step:  2000 Cost: 0.054 Acc: 100.00%
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 6 True Y: 6
[True] Prediction: 6 True Y: 6
[True] Prediction: 6 True Y: 6
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 5 True Y: 5
[True] Prediction: 4 True Y: 4
[True] Prediction: 4 True Y: 4
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 5 True Y: 5
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 5 True Y: 5
[True] Prediction: 5 True Y: 5
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 5 True Y: 5
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 6 True Y: 6
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 5 True Y: 5
[True] Prediction: 4 True Y: 4
[True] Prediction: 6 True Y: 6
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 2 True Y: 2
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 6 True Y: 6
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 2 True Y: 2
[True] Prediction: 6 True Y: 6
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 2 True Y: 2
[True] Prediction: 6 True Y: 6
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 6 True Y: 6
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 5 True Y: 5
[True] Prediction: 4 True Y: 4
[True] Prediction: 2 True Y: 2
[True] Prediction: 2 True Y: 2
[True] Prediction: 3 True Y: 3
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 5 True Y: 5
[True] Prediction: 0 True Y: 0
[True] Prediction: 6 True Y: 6
[True] Prediction: 1 True Y: 1

Posted by CCIBOMB